The thing about extraordinary times is so often, the days within them have an air of ordinariness. And so I find it during this Coronavirus event. As a family, we have been hunkered down for about a week now. Not in full isolation, but lying very low. Having my chicks in the nest is a relief - the last couple of days before the younger one's school shut was a battle of conscience. Sending him felt so wrong, but it's his GCSE year so not sending him also felt reckless. It was a relief when they finally pulled the plug.
And life at home now? It's good - home feels like our safe space and I am weirdly enjoying all the small, everyday tasks that keep it running smoothly. Usually in my head home is the launchpad for the real world outside where all the exciting things happen. I'm always rushing through things at home to move on to the stuff 'out there'. But now that out there isn't where any of us particularly want to be, I am happy with the domestic. Bathrooms have been deep cleaned, gardening is happening, time in the kitchen has provided soothing entertainment. And we are learning new skills - I can hear the boys next door in the kitchen where Mark is proving a dab hand with the hair clippers.
And I am staying away from too much news and instead, back here at the blog. When I first began blogging, fourteen years ago (fourteen!), it was because I was spending an awful lot of time at home with very small children. Blogging wasn't so much a window on the world, as me running my own, homemade flag up the flagpole, with a slightly desperate call of Helloooooooo, I'm here, do you see me?
So it is perhaps not surprising that now, spending a lot of time at home with adult sized children, that the blog calls to me again. As a place to talk, and not least as a place to bear witness to the small, ordinary days within these extraordinary times.
That’s just how I’m feeling too. My blog is my window to the world!
Posted by: Gina | 28 March 2020 at 19:49
How good it is to see you here again and your lovely images. The positives that I am taking from the current situation are the lack of contrails and the lessening of road traffic noise on the big road that runs past my place. Trying to stay positive and hoping to see you here again.
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 02 April 2020 at 00:51