This afternoon, I spent a happy half hour setting up a blog for a new friend. She is heading off on an adventure to faraway places, but didn't want to broadcast her absence by sharing photos on Facebook. And what better receptacle for memories than a blog?
But handy though a blog is, to capture big, exciting things like a long planned trip, it is the small quotidian things that make up a life really. And taking the time to record them is the best way of appreciating them.
Because I tried, I really did, to embrace the concept of a daily gratitude list, but it made me cringe a little each time I tried to write one. Don't know why - they seen to work for other people, but not for me. But blogging? Turns out it's deeply ingrained in my muscle memory. Even if I need to remind myself to take more photographs. With the camera, not my phone.
Gratitude and iPhone photography - two millennial skills that elude me.
What an unexpected pleasure to see your name in my Bloglovin feed!
I hope that you and yours are well and that we might expect more posting in the future?
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 11 November 2018 at 12:51