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05 January 2015


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I think we are all a bit like that , hang on in there , Spring won't be long .


Just remember that each morning it get light slightly earlier.


oh yeah. getting bad into the 6am (and dark) groove is hard. dark AND cold!


getting up in the dark just feels so wrong. roll on longer daylight hours x


I wish we could stop all this time changing and leave it at BST all year.


Yay football camp. Bugger 6am.


Cats have such perfect lives don't they. 6am is just wrong. But well done for doing it anyway, I do hope he enjoys football camp. CJ xx

just Gai

I was up at 6 am too. First day back at work. Neither was easy, but I know that by the end of the week I'll be used to it again.


The dark mornings are the worst. Hibernation sounds like an excellent idea.

Amy at love made my home

You must be like me. I have dormouse tendencies. Especially at this time of year! Curling up and hibernating sounds ideal to me. xx


6am is the middle of the night at this time of year, I think it's perfectly acceptable to drop children to school in your jammies, wellies and a big coat and crawl back into bed when you get home again - hope you did!

Belated happy new year Ali x

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