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28 February 2014


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I've found it's been a poor month for photography as well. I'm also finding it easier to instagram than to bust out the DSLR -just wish I had such a hysterical video to show for it.


truly fabulous hysterical video, hope you didn't get scratched as cat escaped x
clearly this is a case of one video is worth a thousand photos.

The Coffee Lady

So your children punctuate everything with ohmigod too?


I'm laughing. Hope the cat's recovered now.

rusty duck

Just as well cats have so many lives.

niki thomas

Just fell about watching that video, hilarious!

nina - tabiboo

'ouch!' .... I've had a squirrel do that to me once when I was hanging out the washing.

It blooming hurt!

Nina x


I love your mosaics, no matter what.

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