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11 August 2012


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My dent in the sofa is very much larger than yours Ali. I have just shouted myself hoarse at Mo Farah. It's just been wonderful hasn't it?


It's been a particularly fabulous Olympics, the fever has spread all over and it was pretty high here as well. Sad it's gone so fast.


I am hoping the para-olympics will fill a little of the hole the olympics will leave...


I am completely obsessed. It has been unbelievably exciting hasn't it? And like Sue, our house has witnessed lots and lots of shouting at the television, waving of arms and general wigging out about everything from dancing horses, to teeny tiny, impossibly small women whizzing by on bicycles. What will we all do in mid-September when the Paralympics have finished as well? Get up off the sofa I suppose!


I know what you mean Ali, the atmosphere has been wonderful and everything feels so exciting and happy.


I just can't believe it's all over... sitting on the sofa waiting for the closing ceremony... I'm not ready for it to be over...

The Coffee Lady

My would-be Paralympian is still waiting for the real action to start.


Lovely picture at the top of your post, beautiful evocation of summer (where did you find it?)

I was so surprised at how much Olumpics I watched, then again I was also able to get loads of knitting done:-)

Annie @ knitsofacto

Sofa's across the land have taken a battering in the last two weeks. And now it's all over :(

I couldn't be more surprised by how gutted I am about that!

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