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31 December 2011


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Ohmyword that is absolutely fabulous! I tried to do something similar a few years ago (but only made it to March - boo!) But after seeing your 365 project in it's totality, I'm inspired and encouraged to pick up my camera again... Happy new year to you and thank you so much for your gorgeous blog and the pleasure it brings. X


Congratulations! You should be proud! I've only tried once and never quite made it...I loved watching your pummelvision version. Happy new year to you Ali!



you ought to put them on CDs and keep them safe. Like a time capsule.


Ooh! And hurrah, you did it!! I was just saying I thought I might give this a go, and up popped your post with 365 Domesticali photos Pummelvisioned. Love it! I'm definitely inspired to try. Crumbs, just realised that means I start tomorrow! Wish me luck :D

Anita at Bishty

Well done! I've never got past day five! I've just read about Project 52, one themed photo a week, on Life With My 3 Boybarians. I'm thinking of joining in that one as I reckon I have a higher chance of completing it! Happy New Year.


woo hoo! i only got 3/4 of the way through... a couple of years ago. i think i might try for a 52 (or is it 54 this year? weird) project. one good shot each week.


I love these glimpses into your life — lots of yummy food, great flowers and lovely boys.

A very happy 2012 to you!!


That's wonderful!

Happy New Year!


Many congratulations! I think achieving a 365 is a totally admirable thing. That 'From Where I Stand' group looks really interesting. I am an admin of '112 in 2012' if you fancy the challenge of trying to achieve shots for every one of 112 prescribed subjects. It's here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1843711@N21/ Most of the members were involved in the '111 in 2011' Group, and are a great crowd.

Anyway, I hope you and yours have a wonderful 2012. Take care. x


Congratulations on your achievement! I'm attempting to do this in 2012, hope I can manage it.


Fabulous photos and very inspiring.
Gap toothed boys are lovely.
Thank you.

Sew Create It - Jane

Fabulous video...so many great shots!

All the best for 2012!!!


I did a 365 photo a day a couple of years back in the hope that it would make me a better photographer too... but as with you I had the resentment and some ugly shots!! Still, it's something to look back on years later... Remember to back up!!


totally mesmorizing, watching your year flitter along, a mini cinematic insight into your year. wonderful x

Alice C

Love it! You can almost see the boys grow as you watch. Congratulations on making it right to the end - especially those days when you were not well - it will be a treasure trove when you look back.

Happy New Year to you all!


Spectacular, Ali. I am really impressed.

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful new year.


Good for you, Ali! And a very happy and healthy new year.

Emma (silverpebble)

Oh that was wonderful. I especially love the photos that mark a day when we spent time together making or chatting. A happy happy New year to you.


I am stunned by that video, it is amazing! Clever you.

French Knots

It is hard to remember to take a picture everyday but what a special record of a year it makes.
Hope 2012 is good to you.xx


congrats on finishing, ali! every new year i think i'll stop and then i don't. hope 2012 is the best yet for you.


Well done! I am amazed by how well you've done at this; I wouldn't have managed to take anywhere near as many pictures.


Well done, you. Have a great 2012.

Fleur Cotton

Happy New Year and Congratulations on a truly fabulous project '365'. Your photos were lovely to watch and it has inspired me to do something similar, though can't be a full 365 this year as already the 3rd, might try just weekends instead for a first attempt. Anyway, well done and I look forward to seeing your 2012 photos on your blog.
All the best for 2012 Fleur xx


Just watched your completed 365 project and loved it - there is something rather amazing about seeing a year encapsulated in a photograph for every day. Well done. You should carry on, maybe allow yourself the odd lapse, and it will probably become second nature. I'm quite tempted now too!


That was mesmerising, and I'm inspired to have a go again at project365.

Happy new year to you and your family Ali!


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