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03 May 2011


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Petit Filoux

Ooh how lovely to be back! And hear that I haven't missed much on your blog either! That flower display does look rather impressive, quite an inspiration really!

The Coffee Lady

Good grief, that's a big flag. Come to think of it, it's a big house...


Oooh that flower shop looks so beautiful. I watched and wept, it was such a joyful and elegant day.


That is such a huge Union Jack - one of the biggest I've seen.

I loved your Royal Wedding stories. They are fabulous! x


I'm Irish and a republican and I shed a tear! I really enjoyed the uncynical celebrations, especially the bunting. Aoife x


I HAD to buy Hello! magazine too.

Sad. I just couldn't help myself.

The List Writer

Oooh! That's so exciting! You've made my day, Ali - thank you!

I loved watching the wedding too, and got very geeky about some of the sewing details in the dress.


I won a box of Dorset cereals a year ago, to my great delight. . . . only to discover that they didn't INTEND for Americans to win! HOWEVER, the story ended extra happily with Dorset shipping the box to me anyway. They were GREAT cereals!

French Knots

I really enjoyed the coverage, we do pomp and tradition so well. And I enjoyed being catty over some of the outfits!

UK lass in US

I can't even remember if I watched Charles and Di wed - although I do remember that two kids who dressed up like them won the fancy dress competition that summer...

Still, I skim read my friend's People magazine coverage of the wedding, so I'm hoping that I can bluff my way through if they do try to pin treason on me. Again, it was at 3am! Far too many Americans put me to shame by staying up and watching, though.

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