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27 December 2010


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Alice C

Oh! How I LOVE this - it captures you exactly. I particularly love the way that it is punctuated with huge smiles from your boys.


Wow! I love this! Thank you for sharing such a great idea - I am waiting for mine as I type.


oohh I like the idea of making sure you take a photo a day for the whole year :-) I am loving getting back in to photography again this year. Love that last photo montage - great music with it too.


I've been thinking of doing something like this since I got my new camera. Your pictures are such an inspiration Ali.

The Coffee Lady

Well, your minutiae is a damn sight better looking than that of most of us.


That was really entrancing! I love the Aristotole quote too 'we are what we repeatedly do' - I'd best stop being a moaner then!!! x


Wow, great Pummelvision - what a great idea! A wondeful way to review your year!


love it!

fantastic to see all that you are drawn to, have created and care about. what an inspiring spring board to the new year. i hope yours brings much more of the same because you do it so well ali.

and now to pummel...x

harmony and rosie

I love your pummelvision, I really want to investigate that!

French Knots

You have such a good eye, your 365 photos reflect the treasures in your life.xx


Minutiae are the best sort of life things to capture. Put 'em all together and they add up to a whole lot of significant.


Delightfully compelling. I am rubbing my eyes.


Oh zowie! That is so fantastic! But now I'm feeling sooo lazy and unproductive... K :)


What beautiful photographs you take Ali. I was indeed captivated.


Happy New Year Ali

Modern Dilemma

Happy New Year Ali, what a wonderful photo film to have. It captures the "you" we see via your blog so perfectly. So much colour, craft & happiness. Thank you for sharing the idea with us, I'll have a go at making one asap!

MD xxx

suzie sews at Dotty Red

Happy New Year to you and yours and thank you for the last years worth of your fabulous inspiration.... Keep up the fab work, its been a treat reading it all and enjoying your fabulous pics


Lots of cakes :-) Too fast - so many pretty things that I wanted to examine but that's why I love reading your blog.


WOW I LOVED that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't use this word lightly, but that whole experience was "AWeSoMe"! Your life is certainly very stylish and you capture it beautifully with camera. Wonderful. I think if i ran my pics together like that I would feel a bit nauseated, it would feel like being dumped inside a smartie tube and rolled down a steep hill.


Mesmerizing! I want to make one! Thanks for the inspiration!

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