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04 March 2010


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Ooooh! we did the tiger who came to tea last year, I think that was my favourite.


I enjoy my frequent pop-ins to your blog, so I've awarded you the Beautiful Blogger award. You can check out your 'honors' at www.sweetbeebuzzings.blogspot.com


What a great choice of book to be a character from. My little girl's idea of dressing-up consists of her strutting around the flat in her vest & nappy, my bra on her head and her dad's size 8 boots on!


Wonderful photo!

little pink room

Great costume. We're big fans of the tiger that came to tea. Hope you get a bit of a rest at the weekend. A x


You say that, but I have a boy who doesnt do dressing up - he went to school in his PJ's!

The Coffee Lady

The Tiger Who Comes to Tea is a charming little story until he drinks all the beer. Then I get a bit twitchy.


oooohhh my little girl went as Sophie. Although we couldn't get the tights spot on. I was actually quite proud of her, as she marched past all the princesses, glammed up pop stars and the odd ballerina. She'd really thought about it. SHe's at that magical age where she has started to open up books for herself - infact she is mad about books. We got something right. The bookshop sounds wonderful.Claire


I loved that book. I really enjoyed reading it aloud- used to do a Shere Kahn voice for the tiger.

Personally I'm relieved that my daughter's school has not acknowledged book day this year. Sorry to be a spoil-sport but after three kids and 11 years of school I've got a bit fed up with trying to produce costumes that are easy,don't involve spending money, quick(always at short notice) and are actually a character from a real book and not some spin-off rag to do with a film. Captain Jack Sparrow is not from a book!

Sorry, bit ranty today. Your lad looks smashing! x


That's a fabulous choice. We went as the Fat Controller and had a similar experience to Claire with all the other girls in their party dresses as "fairies". My little one was really excited to be going to school in her costume but came home in tears because all the girls had laughed at her for dressing like a boy. Grr! Obviously having a little bit of imagination is not cool for skool.


Brilliant costume! I remember my dad reading that book to me back in the early 70s and then I read it to my boys many years later...An excellent choice. Enjoy your weekend.


We love that book!!!

Although I'd like to know what kind of substance was the author taking at the time... Seriously? a tiger who cames tea?

Surreally brilliant.

Lucy Locket-Pocket

Oh that tiger looks very fine indeed. Do you need any warrior cat books? We have the first set and Dot has read one but is unlikely to read anymore - her best friend is obsessed with them but they just didn't fit Dot. She would happily donate them if you could make use of them.

Lucy x


He looks grrrrreat!
Love that book.
Lisa x

Rattling On

I used to love doing the costumes for my girls when they were in primary school.
I work in a senior school and we don't dress up...except for a couple of years ago when a colleague came dressed as a pirate. The full monty- patch, sword, tricorn hat with skull. No-one batted an eye, or even asked what it was in aid of...


It was all I could do to persuade No.2 to go to school dressed as George from Captain Underpants, rather than Captain Underpants himself! x

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