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05 August 2009


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Violet and Rose

I'm so pleased you were made to buy it, because that pattern is just divine. And I wouldn't mind a piece of that cake! And the coffee is a work of art.

Laura VW

That fabric's lovely - I had already admired it on the website. Glad some of it's gone to a good home!


Ooh, lovely fabric!

Alice C

I feel quite ill with envy. I am not sure that is good for the soul but I am so glad that you had a lovely day.

Angel Jem

The fabric is divine.... I went for a walk last week/week before and saw the original inspiration in a field... blowing clocks is my favourite, but we got to 32 o'clock with one of those!
And the cake (!) I can feel a Nigella moment coming on.


I love spending time with you, too! K x


Very, very nice fabric, I'm sure your arm must have been well and truly twisted!

Sounds like a lovely day.


oh it was definitively a very very good day. I'm still smiling!

Next time I'm taking a step counter... we must have walked for miles!!!


An allium design! An umbel! Is it a skirt? I have to know.

It sounds like a truly gorgeous day x


It sounds like the perfect therapy!

lucykate crafts...

love that fabric.


So jealous! at the moment my cappuccino gets cold before I get to finish it from having to say don't do that! and having to tidy the mess before anyone notices that they have sucked all the sugar out of the sugar packets on the table.
I learnt a new word today as well here


Pretty close to a perfect day.


That's beautiful fabric. I'm astonished at your trekking the distance between Ottolenghi and Liberty though :)


Whatever that chocolate mousse-y thing to the right of the cake, I want it.



I've just returned from a few days camping and can vouch for the importance of food and eating vast quantities of it (mainly carbohydrate as well!). alas nothing I ate looked nearly as yummy as your delicacies and there was no shopping to tempt me either!. I love that fabric so glad you bought it.
A really big 'thank you" for your kind words about our Emporium, Dottie and I really appreciate your support. THANK YOU!!!

The Coffee Lady

Wow. Latte art. I've seen videos about how to do that.

Did you make one by any chance?


Ooh, I really want to go to Ottolenghi, was it fabulous? Have heard many good reports. One day I shall make it. Have been googling Clementine Cake since reading your post-sounds amazing! am trying to find a recipe that doesn't involve boiling them for four hours...!


that is really quite divine fabric. lucky you- shopping liberty with friends!


yum!! to the fabric and to the cake!

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