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13 November 2008


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so simple and so brilliant!


oh, I am definitely trying these. But maybe not until the weekend! Thanks so much.



Fabulous - great choice of paper for the job!


Perfect - have to make some of these!


awesome! thanks for sharing, ali!

(and your paper choice is definitely awesome.)


So cute! Do you have to use a dab of glue or anything to make them stay in place, or do the folds just stay together like that?


Paper, Christmas, a tutorial - three of my favourite things in on post. Very cool.


Wow! Thanks. Those would be adorable tucked into Christmas cards!


Thank you Ali - will definitely be trying some of these.


Thank you for this! I shall be making some for sure.


Thank you for this! My ILs would love the music paper option, I'm going to get DH on to making one this weekend!


Thank you so much for the tutorial. I'm definitely going to have a go (hopefully before Christmas actually arrives)! K x


what fun and effective decoration, great tutorial.


Alice at the magpiefiles recommended your blog to me (although I think I had come across it before) and encouraged me to comment, so here I am!

Wonderful idea, how clever of you! I'm not sure mine would turn out so well but feel inspired to try. Thank you! I'll let you know how I get on...


Great tutorial and so full of endless possibilities - as if I need any more sideroads for my brain to go down!


That is so great because it is so simple. I am thinking about making some (if I still find some time) for the christmas basar at preschool.


Beautiful. I love the zen of folding paper. I like making the little cranes and making mobiles out of them. This wreath is wonderful and would be great made out of festive paper and then glued onto a card.


This is super cute! I'll be linking in my next Ornament Roundup!


Great tutorial.


Ali, I just had to let you know that I absolutely LOVE it when I happen upon your ID page in Blogger and read your Occupation. It SO makes my day. estions
I hate "Occupation" questions. I call myslef a Home Executive, or Artist, depending on my mood, but may have to adopt yours.


loving the tutorial thank you for taking time to do it :-) weekend craft session sorted now !!
Lesley x


this one is so perfect !!!
no doubt I'll have a go -- merci !!!


Right I really have to go and get some sleep now!
Why did I have to look at your blog just before I really needed to go to bed.
Gosh tutorial were the words that first pulled me in, then ORIGAMI well I just had to find some paper and make one. Here I am up since 5am with Mister T dead on my feet making a Christmas decoration!
I have done it and very impressed with your tutorial. I have to go to bed now but will photograph it tomorrow and post a link to it - i'll be back!!


I saw this in the previous post and hoped there would be a tutorial. I might just make some for my tree this year! Fab!


Thank you. (I wonder what tune it plays now? A 'round'?)Must give it a try.


Love the simplicity of this wreath! I have an antique ledger that would work perfectly with this idea. I'm going to make a bunch of wreaths for my Christmas tree this year. Thanks for the inspiration!

PS-I'll send a link when I do!


Love these Ali, thanks for the tutorial. A bit of inspiration is just what I need right now.


Here is my go at it: http://thimbleina.typepad.com/thimbleina/2008/11/origami-christmas.html

Victoria Leather

Lovely tutorial Ali, thanks for doing it when you sound like you've had a tough week with a small sickly one. We've a pile of scrap paper here that we're going to have fun with tomorrow.


Oh I hoped you would do a show how! Thanks so much. I think my Brownies could have a go at this to help decorate our hall. Bx

Lucy Locket-Pocket

Great tutorial Ali - nearly as good as getting my very own decoration and having the chance to meet you "for real" today! It was so much fun! I'm already trying to work out if we can have a whole Covent-Garden-Weekend in the Spring!

Thanks again! Lucy xxx

Lil' d

Ah, this might be one I get to attempt. Thank you.


Now this is spectacular. I am off to find some old sheet music of my own...


thank you for sharing- these look brilliant!


Very cool! I have some old hymnals. I'm going to make some for everyone in my choir.


That's fantastic! I was struggling to find cheap ways to decorate my "Christmas" tree and this works a treat!

I had a go- http://melodytan.blogspot.com/2008/11/christmas-tree-oh-christmas-tree.html


OOh! How lovely, I spotted one of these on Lucy Locket's blog and immediately asked my lovely Hubby (who is dead good at origami) if he could make one! THEN I followed the trail and found YOU!! Hello!!!

April xx


I came here from Claudia's blog. These are awesome. So simple, but so many directions one could go with these. Thanks for the tutorial!


so awesome :D
you should check out our tutorial contest xD
there's tonz of prizes!!


its so cool n trendy


Get tutorial - I am so making these!!


These are beautiful and I really want to make them but I am just not getting it! I get lost at about the third step. Do you have any additional pictures of the process?


Thanks for the inspiration. I featured your blog on my blog. Take a look.


I'll give it a try. Thanks!


I love this idea! I'm definitely going to try this.

Laura (Robson and Mason)

Oh they're fabulous.

We have a 'How to make' Christmas decorations guide on our blog.

You're looks so stunning the way the paper folds.

I will bookmark this blog, it looks great!

Season's Greetings.


Laura (Robson and Mason)

Oh they're fabulous.

We have a 'How to make' Christmas decorations guide on our blog.

You're looks so stunning the way the paper folds.

I will bookmark this blog, it looks great!

Season's Greetings.


Laura (Robson and Mason)

Oh they're fabulous.

We have a 'How to make' Christmas decorations guide on our blog.

You're looks so stunning the way the paper folds.

I will bookmark this blog, it looks great!

Season's Greetings.




I tried it with foil origami paper and it looks cool but huge! Instead of 4 sheets (each diff color), I'm going to try it out of one sheet or two half sheets of diff colors. Depending on the size maybe it will end up on a card for the Deviantart Holiday Card Project 2008 :D


My 7 year old & I are going to have to try this. Thanks for the instructions

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