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22 October 2008


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Thanks for putting me on to that blog. You're right, I love it too!

Lil' d

Ah, thank you - I planned on making some mitts, but had lost my pattern. Those look perfect.

I'm like a little old lady, with knuckles that seize up in cold weather, even if it's just California's pathetic excuse for a winter...


I think making finished garments means you are a real knitter.
Even if they are small, they do look impressive.


The only difference between you and 'Real Knitters' is that you buy yarn for a single project and knit until you have finished. When you break that habit you will have made it to Knitty Knirvana.

(Your commenty box thing remembered me today for the first time for months - hurray!)

French Knots

Thanks for the pattern link, I'm going to try these. I knitted some handwarmers without thumbs the other week but am now ready for the challenge of a thumb!
If you knit socks, jumpers and handwarmers I think you must be ... er... a knitter!

Lucy Locket-Pocket

Those mitts look lovely so I'm off to look at the pattern now.

What do you mean I should be getting ready for work?



Lucy x

P.S. What wool did you use? - the colour is fab


Lovely mitts - I'm going to click over there in a minute. Hope the heating holds up - it's flippin' chilly round these parts, isn't it? x


You look like a real knitter to me unless you just pretended to make those lovely mitts! The yarn is gorgeous.


Love these! I'm doing the ones without the thumbs, nearly finished....and yet again you have a lovely yarn choice, dare I ask what it is? Not succumbed yet to central heating or socks down here, but getting close!


I've been looking for a pattern for some of these, thanks so much for posting that link. Maybe if start now I can have a pair made by Christmas.


Haven't you got beautiful hands? You know - the bits I can see of them!


Wow - it remembered me too!

How divine is the colour of that wool - gorgeous. Just because you don't knit fast doesn't mean you're not a knitter. You have successfully made all sorts of wonderful things now. Go on admit it - you are a knitter and a really good one at that!!


Love the handwarmers, the colour of the wool is gorgeous

Daisy Steiner

They look lovely, really cosy and pretty.


I love these! Beautiful colours too. Might have to (try) knit me a pair of those!

Karen J

Will you please stop linking to such lovely sites - how's a girl to get anything done!!!!


Come on Ali, you know how to do a 3 needle cast off and wind centre pull balls - you ARE a real knitter!


Those are fabulous! And what do you mean about not being a real knitter? K x


I want a pair. Right now. Lovely wool you use...

mmmhh yarn shopping!!


love these so...and what a lovely blog link. i am inspired. i have downloaded the pdfs. i am however a little scared but hoping i may be able to try these out. only on my 2nd scarf since starting to knit this year. hoping to be a real knitter like you someday! also hope your central heating is behaving by the way : ) have a happy weekend! xxx


They are lovely - thanks for the link! I could do with knitting some right now but my hands are too cold!



lovely...and they look simple enough to make maybe as gifts for the sister-in-laws for xmas....(trying to do a hand-made theme this year).


Oh I was juts admiring these yesterday, how I love that blog: even though I don't knit, the photography is beautiful.
Ali I lOvE your felted acorns, they seem to be so very You somehow


Oh I was juts admiring these yesterday, how I love that blog: even though I don't knit, the photography is beautiful.
Ali I lOvE your felted acorns, they seem to be so very You somehow

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