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07 October 2008


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The muffins look yummy, and the photo for the cards is gorgeous. I'm impressed - I'm trying really hard not to think about Christmas yet!
Cathy X


I love your idea for a christmas card photo. The cloves spilling out and the cookie cutter shadow are just perfect.

And a hibernating day - dear me, I could use one of those.


nice photo! i like the idea.


Please can you come and cook for me. I have a little cold and nothing beats chicken soup when you're ill! Your muffins look so scrummy too!


Fabulous photo - will you do them using Moo?

I was deliberating doing some too...


Mmmmmm, those muffins look good enough to ... well, eat! And the photo is fabulous! That's a great idea.x


Wow, I really like the way this photo looks. I would probably use it as is.

And I have been thinking a lot about Christmas lately since we also have two birthdays before and after so there needs to be some thoughts about good presents.


I think your photo is great as it is. I love the way the cookie cutter has cast a shadow. Muffins look good too!


The fresh apple on top of the muffin is a nice touch. I really like the Christmas photo. The cloves and the star cutter look so good together.


ooh yummy apple muffins!

I love your Christmas card photo, might have to try my own out!


Please can I be on your mailing list? I really want one of those! Great idea which has set me pondering a whole new aspect to Christmas.....


i'll have to give these a try! i've been baking with apples this week, too - at www.larksongknits.com


Glad they came out OK. We have since made 2 batches of these (lots of apples in Quebec!!) and frozen them for lunch boxes.


The muffins look so good I can hardly stand it (I'm trying to do Weight Watchers, thank you very much!). And I love the picture of the cloves, cloves being one of my favorite smells of the Christmas season. Wonderful!


Christmas card photos! What a brill idea, am so going to play with that at the weekend!


Yummy muffins missis! I'm not making cards this year since we already made them at school with the children so I shall cheat and buy those. Your picture is very lovely though. I will need to take one of the small people to send with the cards though - hum.


Lovely shot of the cloves


deelish!! the food for this time of year is really something to smile about!

and i love your photo. what a clever idea! i'm off for a peek at the link to see more. x


what a great photo for your christmas card.


Mmmm - those muffins look gorgeous! I know what I'll be baking tomorrow.

I love your Christmas card photo - I can almost smell the cloves :)


Lil' d

Oh, what a lovely pic!

Last year I had the dilema of whether to use the picture of my daughter with her hand raised, about to smack her cringing brother, or the one of her giving him a hug (in apology). Yeah, I went for the hug pic, but I still regret it. Still, it was more in keeping with it being the season of goodwill and all that...


Oh boy - something else for me to ponder - the christmas card photo.

I reckon you have nailed your!


The muffins look good and I love your photo for the Christmas cards. I was thinking about designing Christmas cards this morning as I was waiting for my turn with the hoover (Mister T is in love with the hoover and it is a nightmare everytime I get it out to try and hoover as he won't let me use it - well that is my excuse for dirty floors and I'm sticking to it)


Christmas? no absolutely not. It's not christmas until december. or at least until mid november ( just to be a bit organised...)


those apple cupcake look sooooo goood!!


I feel hungry now! They look delicious.


For goodness sake Ali it's only October 10th! I thought I was early making my christmas cake in half term and that's about two weeks away.


Love your idea for a Christmas photo! Much better than most traditional cards.


Hibernation sounds fantastic. But alas, not at the moment for me; not even time to do something with those cooking apples which lurk guilt-inducingly at the foot of my fridge.

Love the photos.


I really like the card photo!

tracey petersen

The cloves are a perfectly lovely idea!


Those muffins are killer!

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