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25 February 2008


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I just can't make the break with my tumble-drier. I try to justify it by repeating to myself that the washing takes less ironing than outdoor dried washing...
But if my pegs were like yours, I may be more tempted!
The jumper is an absolute winner - gorgeous!


gorgeous, totally gorgeous!!!

You must be soooooo pleased.

(love the pegs too.)

So... what will you be knitting next?


Lovely sweater and the pegs are such a cute idea.


Your haiku clothespins (or pegs) are so cute. And I love your sweater, it's really beautiful and you did a wonderful job.

The List Writer

I absolutely love the sweater. I think hand made things just have a better shape than anything shop bought, and your sweater is a great example of that - it looks gorgeous. Hope it washes well!

the pesky bombolino

Your jumper is stunningly gorgeous- you must be over-the-moon!


Oh, she's beautiful. I think I need to add the pattern and yarn to my wish list.


I love your jumper - it's stunning!!!

Oooh, I really should be hanging the washing out shouldn't I?
Lovely pegs :)



Wonderful Klaralund - love the colours and fits so well.


woo hoo! you finished it! looks awesome - nice work!


Inspired pegs, I love drying mine out doors. Knitting looks pretty good too. I'm very jealous of these spring like posts I keep reading...still a way to go yet here.


your jumper has turned out sooo well.its lovely.


I love the way you say it. Bend. Shake. Peg. So pretty!


I got rid of my tumble dryer a couple of years ago. The guilt I felt over using energy and power and environmental thingies every time I used it just meant I never did use it.

So once the kids were out of nappies (cloth ones) and the Washing machine/tumble drier broke down on me that was it. I love hanging stuff on the line. I've had a couple of loads out recently. I can't wait for the summer to come. Washing on the line is one of life's small pleasures.


Oops. Forgot to say. Love the jumper. Well done you.


We always line dried when I was young, and I still think of the sun as a vital ingredient in keeping whites white. Sadly I only have a roof terrace so can't indulge, but the pegs are lovely.

As is that jumper - so impressive!


gorgeous jumper. and I love your pegs, I have ugly plastic ones.


There is definitely something therapuetic about hanging out washing - even more so if you get to use such fab pegs! The Klaralund looks wonderful!


I love the jumper! Still wish I could teach myself to knit!!


With our weather I do pretty much all my drying outside and if it rains I hang it inside. I really only use a dryer to finish stuff off and make things soft and fluffy. Like Patti I feel way too guilty about the amount of power it uses but then I am lucky to have the choice.
I am so totally impressed with your jumper - it is just stunning!!! Your knitting is incredibly neat and even, way better than many people who have knitted for years including myself. Fantastic!!


Nice work with the jumper, the colours are beautiful too.


Lovely pegs and GORGEOUS jumper.

We'll have the washing line out again this week I reckon - it would have been a perfect drying day today had I not been stuck at a computer. And now everyone is coming back from lunch I'd better get back to it too. Snarl.


Oh how I love the smell of washing fresh from the line. We have no tumble drier so washing outside on any blowy day of the year and other wise hanging above the stairs on a n airer. Washing on the line always makes me feel chirpy - I think I must be a bit weird!

Alice C

Had a bit of a panic attack there - when you said that Alice had mentioned her washing on the line I thought I had put some stuff out there last year and forgotten about it. But it was ANOTHER Alice - so panic over!


I love your sweater!!

We're still getting snow here so hanging up the wash seems like a long way off.


I have a bit of 'thing' about the tumble drier. I don't like 'it' and 'it' doesn't like me either. I love washing dried outside - it smells better, it irons better, it's just all-round better. I love those pegs!

And as for the jumper ... wow! x


i guess i must be very lucky then - my first load went on the line at the beginning of feb. but with a street like ours (the wind howls past our front doors some days) it'd be wrong not to use the free drying-power! xx
ace jumper by the way


Hope the colours don't run when you wash the sweater! Nice job.

miss chris

The pegs are wonderful.. I wish I could get away with hanging laundry here, but right now everything would freeze solid.

BTW, M&J's miniswap got off yesterday and the postman said it should only take a week. Enjoy! xo


it's lovely ali! just lovely.


the top is fantastic and the pegs a great too!

I have to admit that I am pleased when it rains cos I don't feel guilty about using the tumble drier!


The pegs are great! Makes the whole business a little bit more fun and somewhat sophisticated!

The sweater looks great on you! It came out lovely. Wonderful work!


Ive never had a tumble drier so its always been the washing line or clothes horse for me. Really like the pegs... love the jumper,great colours


Loving those pegs. First thing I do when I move to a new house, is hang a load of washing out on the line. Then it's home.

I have serious knitting envy. Seriously.


You're so right. There is something about using a clothesline. Sheets that are scented with fresh air just can't be beat.

Gorgeous sweater! Beautiful colours.


That. Looks. Fantastic.

I can't believe you went from dishloths to that in such a short time! I am in awe. Congratulations.


Beautiful knit - the colours are sooo gorgeous. I love to use my line too, you're right - its the feeling of standing legitimately in the sunshine hanging the laundry...a very gentle chore, that provides a few precious moments away from the more humdrum tasks !


Ahhh! I knew the sweater would be FAB! lovely choice of colour.


oh.my.goodness. your knitting is gorgeous! i am so impressed.
p.s. i also love the idea to have poetic clothes pegs. i'm going to do that to my wooden ones, for sure. xx


I love the pegs and the sweater, both very inspiring and pleasing to the eye.


Wow I love this ides - I am so stealing it!


Hi, have just found your blog. LOVE the colours in the sweater. Could you please tell me what brand the wool is.


Ignore my previous comment. I found the info in another entry. By the way, i think the decision to make 3/4 sleeves was perfect.


:-) :-)
Happy spring!


Great pegs! I might have to try that. :)

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