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03 February 2008


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Lucy Locket-Pocket

I have to agree with you there - knitting has become a real compulsion for me now! Gone are the evenings spent doing my hand sewing - now I just crave time to sit in front of the fire and watch a good film with my knitting! Lucy x


It's very addictive isn't it? I blame the glorious yarns out there, personally! I could just stand there ogling the shelves full of wool for ages...
I'm just trying my hand at crochet and have started a table runner too! I don't seem to crochet as naturally as knit, I've yet to find my rhythm!


It's very addictive isn't it? I blame the glorious yarns out there, personally! I could just stand there ogling the shelves full of wool for ages...
I'm just trying my hand at crochet and have started a table runner too! I don't seem to crochet as naturally as knit, I've yet to find my rhythm!


Yummy yarn.
I have just started knitting myself. so fun!


I love knitting too! And it has the advantage of being pick-up-and-put-downable of an evening. Lovely socks, and that Noro jumper looks gorgeous!

French Knots

The knitting bug must be doing the rounds at the moment, I seem to have gone down with it too! Love your socks and the hat is fab too, is it knitted in a circle?


I like knitting also - but I am just not the girl for long-term commitment (except relationship to hubby). I need fast progress and the success of finishing at least bits and pieces ...

... but I must admit. You try me!

Alice C

I am very impressed with your industry. I am just trying to work out what I have done in the same amount of time and it is so small and insignificant that I am feeling kinda embarrassed.


I knew it wouldn't be long before a sweater started to appear, and it looks like a perfect one for you! Gorgeous colours, that yarn looks stunning.


I don't knit anything like as much as I used to, though I still enjoy doing little bits now and then. Your knitted things are lovely - I think all these handknitted socks I'm seeing must be the absolute height of luxury. Wonderful. x


Wow! What amazing things you've been up to (it must be sort of quickish to produce such a range of items!). I absolutely love the table runner...but if it was mine I might encourage guests to eat on the floor so as not to get crumbs or spills in it's lovely knit. x


Charity shops are wonderful for wool and needles if your budget is getting a bit tight!

Thanks for that flickr link - unbelievable!


What do you mean you're just learning??? You've done socks! And they look fabulous! That noro looks awfully pretty too.


"I think knitting is my lesson in enjoying the process rather that focusing only on the end product."

I really like that idea!


I thought that "knitting" was what you did to kid's hair on a regular basis!


hey great! very impressed with the socks - I've not done any yet. I think it's great to have different techniques on the go, I get bored with just one and like to flit between them...knitting is great for enjoying the process (and great in front of tv!)


I wish I could knit.

I wish I lived somewhere where you could wear knitted, woolly attire for more than 2 weeks.

Scarves, hats, home made socks. bliss.

Maybe we could swap house for 3 months!


hey lady... I wasn't exactly pointing a gun to your head...

looking gooooooood.


I love your photos and that blue yarn is gorgeous. I've not seen it before but I adore the color.

I'm with you about the knitting as it is really proving a highly enjoyable activity for me as well as soothing. I do need to progress with my skills though. Maybe I'll try making my socks again.

Ravelry is fun and I'm glad you're signing up.


yep, knitting is seriously addictive though as you say it can prove to be expensive - especially since theres so many gorgeous new yarns appearing all the time. Glad you're enjoying it!


Ooooh I love your knitted socks!! That Noro yarn is gorgeous too. I've become equally addicted to crocheting blankets but I just know that as soon as I learn to knit socks I won't be able to stop!!



very impressive work!! I love the table runner, what a great idea..puts my scarf to shame, shall stick to making earrings I think!


Gorgeous socks! I knitted for my children for years, but then I found my computer and got sidetracked. The pictures of your beautiful creations could tempt me to go and dig out my knitting needles once again. Liz


Ahhhh knitting. I've just finished a HUGE afghan, and now I've started my first pair of socks. People are looking at me as if I'm mad... (people just don't knit socks in Australia. They think I'm insane to try.) Knitting, so soothing, so soporiphic....


I could not knit socks if my life depended on it. Let's hope it never does. Something about going round and round and round dizzies my poor wee brain. Anyway, I saw those cupcakes you bribed Monica with...


Great hat - love the pompoms and that Noro is fantastic! Ravelry is great, but I seem to be spending a lot of time on there.


One of my new year's resolutions was to learn to knit...I wonder if it's really going to happen!


it's all about the process. I'm forever starting and leaving a knitting project, only to come back to it when I need some reflection time. I've made 1 pair of socks and want to make more but have such a time with the gauge...oh well!

Angel Jem

You are a knotted knitter.
And do you ever think how much you could have done if you'd only done this years ago?


i love knitting as well, although i am knitting with wire now. It is relaxing and can be done whilst also vegging watching the telly. So you can be a couch potato whilst being productive


Very impressed with what you have done so far. I love Noro, I have a couple of balls of silk garden to see how I get on with it, really enjoyed knitting a bag last year as it's lovely to see the colours changing.


Lots of comments on this post--you hit a nerve! I don't have time to read them all, so I don't know if someone else mentioned this...but for a "beginner," you have tackled some serious projects! I've only done one hat because when you get down to the double-pointed needles I just panic. And socks! I would never dare. Scarves are my thing.

By the way, have you seen this slide show from NPR? http://www.npr.org/blogs/bryantpark/2008/01/slideshow_extreme_knitters_roc.html

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