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05 February 2008


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I think your conclusions are excellent traits! Here's anticipating spring with you :-)


I love that you make it sound like you are completely incidental to the things whipped up in your own kitchen...oh to just be there only on photographer duty and watch while others bake and clean...this is surely not the case?! x

Caitlin - Bridget's Flame

Delurking to tell you how much I like the cafetiere cover and wondering to myself if I can make one even though I am hopelessly sewing challenged.

Also the patty pans from your other post....I LOVE PATTY PANS and yours are just beautiful.


I spotted that gorgeous striped ribbon at the bottom! Very spring-like. I wish I could be so disciplined with my camera, your photos are brilliant. I also love the reflection one...


Wonderful photos - as ever. January doesn't have many redeeming features does it? Poor thing, coming so soon after Christmas and further away from Spring than February. I for one hope to see very many more 'kitchen' photos - you're not obsessed, you're creative! x


Well your photos definitely elevate January - it may have been wet and dismal outside but your images from around your home are warm and welcoming! They look great as a set.


really like your photos.
I personally don't mind January, it's Febuary I hate cos it's just more of the same, again.
I ment to say at the time that I like your moo card holder book ting.

PS Kitchen photos are good.


Looking at your pictures it looks like your January was not that bad after all. I am thinking yellow these days too.


I'm feeling quite fond of very idea of the approach of spring. I want to open all my windows and let the fresh air sweep through my house.

All of your pictures are beautiful. It's interesting how we discover our own thinking patterns in the choices we make on what to make or photograph.


Your photos look lovely grouped together and yes you do seem to have a thing about cupcakes and kitchens :)

It was definately spring here today - lovely!



Love the pictures! What great lighting you have.


Is that a Waitrose cupcake I spy? Yum, yum.

You have had a busy month!


I'm thinking of starting a campaign to have January declared illegal - and have it cancelled from now on - I meet so many people who are emerging from it as though they have survived some ordeal - it is bad! but it can only get better from now on!
take care


I don't mind January, it's clean and new; it's February and March I have a hard time with. Especially in New England, it's cold, snowy and everyone else seems to have spring peeking through, we have snow and ice. A cupcake might make me feel better...

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