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22 November 2007


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Hi Ali!!! Hmmmmm... don't know if I will be stuffing my face tomorrow... I'll be eating with my in-laws... and that does a bit to dampen the apetite... LOL

LOVE the little monkey scale!!! I'm going to pass the site ontomy sister... she just had twins last week!

I'll be around reading tomorrow evening! But shopping on Friday!

Lala :o)


Our local independant toy shop just closed down too. I guess the likes of toys r us are just too much for those small shops.

I'm going to treat myself to those boots at the weekend btw. Sorry to be a copy cat but they look so good. Fed up of having soaking wet feet running around in summer plimsols!

Monkey scales are ace.


I think you've just solved my "3 year old birthday next week" problem. Great site with great toys. Off to browse some more.


what a sweet thing!!

I'm off to check their website. And I'm going to hold you personally responsible for the probably loss of cash...


Aren't those scales great? I wish I had a suitable recipient! In spite of trying to make at least a part of my gift list handmade, I really ought to think about the 's' word too...

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