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07 May 2007


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melissa f.

it's gorgeous, ali! wonderful work.


lovely - it will be perfect in white!
(poor birdies! :)


So beautiful! I want to make the beehive compost bin (and theoretically could, because it's not too far from where my boyfriend's Mum lives) but it might be awkward to try and get home on EasyJet - although it might be worth it just to see the look on their faces when I walk up to the plane with it under my arm!


i think that bird palace is bigger than my entire home.


Wow, that is impressive!!


Ooh, it's gorgeous! I can fully understand the not wanting the doves crapping on the birdhouse thing ...


Wonderful work Ali. Really great.


Wow that is impressive! It sounds like you had the most lovely day.


Wow, that is just fantastic. What a lovely day out!


You MADE that! That is so wonderful. If I ever made a birdhouse it would have to be out of popsicle sticks. You did such a good job!


That's the cutest birdhouse I've ever seen... I wouldn't mind living in there ;)


How fun - what a wonderful day of learning something new! Doves - they are kind of useless anyway. We have tons of them in our yard (white winged doves) and they just eat all our seed and don't eat any of our bugs in return. No house for them!


Between the beautiful dovecot and that wonderful tray of tea and such. It wish I was there to help you. I think it will be stunning painted white. You did a wonderful job...


I love the devious too-narrowness of it's beauty :-)


Impressive. And I like you cunning plan to keep the birds off.


Ha ha that's hilarious that you built a bird house but not for any real birds. Nice one!!

janet clare

really beautiful work. I need one too please!


I love it. I particularly like the fact that it isn't actually big enough to be a bird house so it will never get dishelvelled. Well done that girl!


It is beautiful, and I agree, don't want any poo on it!!!!


Wow!!! That is beautiful! I love the little wooden shingles. You're definitely right to want to keep it guano free!! Sounds like you had a great time making it too - that tea tray looks worth the visit on it's own.


how beautiful!!! I'm really jealous... that place is too far from here...

YOu've done such a great job... what did the hub say?

Does this mean an overnight stay away from home? by myself?


thats so awesome - the birdies will be so pampered... for a little bit anyway!


That's great! I want to go there now too...

Angel Jem

Yes, yes, yes! I love the house... are you sure you want to put it outside in the wind and the rain, why not keep it inside and let little people inhabit it?


Sounds like you had a brilliant day - and what a fantastic dove house to come home with. You must show us a photo of it all painted and in situ.

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