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20 February 2007


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LOOK at those outfits! so stinkin' cute!


They are just too adorable. The aprons aren't so bad either.


those hats! loved the miniswap, too -the whole idea is lovely, i think!


Right Right Right!

Look at those sweet boys. Big bro showing such beautiful caring body language with his little bro :-)

Straight up on the mini-swap.

tiel S-K

oH, what gorgeous little men. I have to tell you that I am often trying to figure the logic of blogmagic out for myself.

wonderful swap.


Great swap loot and I love the idea of wombie being snuggled up by the radiator - your lovely boys are so thoughtful. Swapping with people from other countries is such a nice way of helping our kids to find out more about the world. I definitely agree that Louise should get a blog, go for it Louise!


they're so cute! And the outfits are fantastic. Happy belated birthday, btw.

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