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13 February 2007


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right now I am rather glad that I live nowhere near that gorgeous shop otherwise, well, we would be starving by the end of the month but our flat would be full of the most darling things.


thats a wonderful looking shop, I also never shop with my kids...just running in and out to get necessities saves me a bundle!


I love English seaside towns like that, they're the best. That shop looks awesome. Unfortunately, along with a shopaphobe boy, I have 2 shopaphile girls who urge me to buy everything and anything either of us can see. Come to think of it, the boy has his moments too. Your way is definitely cheaper.

Violet  Rose

If I ever had a shop, I think it would be Frank. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing it!


I can see why that's a favourite. So much gorgeous stuff! I'd go nuts :)


a limpet -- I love that expression!


GULP! Thank you very much!!!(sarcastic tone) Now I feel I need to pay a visit to Whitstable just to visit FRANK! I feel all warm and fuzzy at the thought though!
When my boys were younger (they are now 9,13,15)they were a nightmare in shops, the little tikes were practicing shoplifters, except they didn't deliberately steal, they just couldn't keep their hands in their pockets! and forgot they had things in their grubby little mits. Now they wait outside my kinda shops(with their dad)


Oh I love that shop; I wandered in unsuspectly on last visit to Whits. and parted with too much money!

Whitastable is such a nice place to while away a Sunday. There's a very yummy French restaurant on the same side of the road as Frank toward the top end (opposite to the beach). Oh, have you ever eaten in Wheelers? That's another really lovely place to eat. The dining room looks just like the lounge of a house!

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