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26 February 2007


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Confectionary masterpieces! I might pop along to CL if a friend is exhibiting - she normally gets me a freebie ticket. We'll see!


Hurrah for interestingness!


oh those are so great! love the colors too...


Oh my goodness, those cupcakes are adorable! :)

tiel s-k

The Country Living Spring Fair? Oh, I go every year. I wish!

love the cupcakes. I really don't know how you do it.


Those cupcakes are just so cute! I'm going to the CL fair but probably on the Thursday. Can't wait as I missed the Christmas one last year which I usually go to. Well done on the Flickr feature.


Brilliant cakes!


Being featured on the interestingness page is soooo cool! Congrats! I would be excited about that too.

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