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19 November 2006


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and I thought you had just had a snifter of the real world again and left us all - who could blame you...

tiel s-k

Haven't forgotten you. I keep on popping in and seeing that messy playroom of yours and have visions of you still stuck in it amongst piles of toys!


What a drag. On the other hand - enjoy your time "off"!


aaaaiiiiieeeeee!!! a sick computer? fix it quick! fix it quick!


Come back soon, we'll still be here!


you're not forgotten... I was just worried you'd got sucked up by the hoover... or lost in the playroom... or back in Bath living la vida loca!


Everytime we ever went away together, we always came home to at least ONE sick child :-(


Oh boy...that happened to me this past September...Lost everything on my computer. Now I have major back-ups!! Take Care :)


Ugh - I hope your hubby can administer the proper therapy and get the computer up soon!

How could we forget you! You know, it's a good time to have a sick computer, at least here in the States, since this week is American Thanksgiving and I predict a slow blogging week. :o)

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