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15 June 2006


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What a cutie in the goggles!! Kids sure seem to like to wear them LOL

Alicia A.

Ha! You're funny.


OH you funny lady! Love the cutie in goggles.


Arr, cute!


Outside in the UK!Brrrr!!!


My kiddos are taking swim lessons 4 days/week this summer. The water is always cold as well, but it's an indoor pool. His goggles fit his face REALLY well. My little guys always have their eyes pulled in all different directions when their goggles are on! So glad Mark had fun - maybe he'll forget that he needs warm water next time in the paddling pool.


Mine never feel the cold water. In fact most decembers we go to centre parcs, and my kids count to see how long they can stay in the ice cold plunge pool!!


You've got darling little kiddos! And great craftiness going on! :)

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